aerosoft's - FlightSim Commander
FlightSim Commander is a professional flight planner.
FlightSim Commander is a powerful and professional planning GPS, moving map and navigation tool for the Flight Simulator 2004 and the Flight Simulator X.
FlightSim Commanders most prominent features include; Flight planning for routes and route segments, displays both ground traffic and airborne A1 traffic, real-world and way point database, North Atlantic Tracks (PACOTS), automatic logbook/black book recording, control zones for VFR flights, real time GPS display, generator and fuel calculators, SIDs/STARs customizable route segments, Printable arrival/departure charts, printable airport layout charts, and supports VATISM/IVAO.
Map Window displays navigational aides, a ports, air ways, airspace, minimum safe altitude, direction of wind/speed, displays major rivers/lakes, and displays coastlines/state boundaries. The GPS displays general information, latitude/longitude, way point information, airport arrival information, weather reports, and an ILS selection. The flight planning on the FlightSim Commander includes; manual/automatic plans, navaid to navaid, victors airways, jet airways, combined plans, SIDs/STARs, and a user defined route segment. T
he A1 displays in the software include; heading, ground speed, altitude, call sign/tail number, departure/destination airports. FlightSim Commander has online pilot support for the VATISM/ IVAO air space structure, and displays all active controllers. Lastly the charts and special Windows include; airport information, graphic/textual arrival and departure charts, automatic logbook/runway chart.
- Allows logbook/Black book Recording
- Can be complicating for beginners